Managing Container Gardening Portland OR
By Lisa Rogers Pot gardening is the practice of growing plants, edible or inedible in pots instead of growing them in the ground surface. Pots used in this kind of practice are portable and they usually take the form of box, hanging basket, pot, barrel, and tin, among others. Container gardening Portland OR has been widely adopted in large towns all over the globe. Gardening in these pots has been used to nurture plants that are edible as well as those that are inedible. At times it is for aesthetic purposes. Plants can be grown in tins to decorate a setting, interior or exterior. In such cases flowers are planted in ornamental pots such as hanging baskets. Planting in containers can be for a wide range of reasons such as decorating or in circumstances where the natural soil or climate is unfavorable for gardening. There are diverse types of plants that can be grown in enclosed spaces. There is nothing as convenient as fetching fresh tomatoes from your patio rather than driv...