Spotting Authentic Vintage Chanel Handbag Versus Fakes
The fashion house of Chanel has been synonymous with quality and luxury for decades. People covet their goods, especially purses. Of course, when an item fetches a high price and is highly sought after, there will always be unscrupulous people who try to make cheap bags and pass them off as the real thing. That is why you need to look out for signs of an authentic vintage Chanel handbag before you buy.
Some fakes these days are really good, but there are always at least a few key things to look for to ensure yours is real and not a fake. While most Chanel bags are made of genuine leather, not all are. In fact, there are some that are made of cloth, fur, and even PVC materials.
The easiest way to see if the bag you want to buy is real or not is to open it up and look inside. Chanel has a very famous CC logo, where the C letters interlock. That logo should be stamped inside and raised, so you can feel it by running your finger. The universal symbol for a trademark should be at the end.
While you have the bag open, look at the material lining the inside. It should be smooth and not wrinkled at all. If it is wrinkled, it is either damaged or a fake, as designers would never sell such a messy bag. The stitching should also be perfect, as the design house takes great pains to make sure there are no hanging threads or crooked stitching. The interior should look immaculate and like it is of the very highest quality.
Chanel and many other big name designer goods brands use colorways to help people spot a knockoff. Check to make sure the bag has a known colorway. The purse should also come with a holographic sticker with a number on it, though it is possible the sticker has been removed.
All bags from this brand come with a certificate of authenticity. It will have a serial number on it, and the holographic sticker on the purse will have the exact same number. You can also contact the company directly and ask if that is a valid serial number before you buy. If the seller has lost the certificate, you can still use the other tips to validate the authenticity yourself.
You can go online and find out all the types of leather that this brand has used over the years on their handbags. Cow leather, lambskin and many others are all possibilities. Make sure the purse you are thinking of buying is made form one of these known Chanel materials. You can also look up past releases from the brand, which are meticulously cataloged on the internet.
You should also look up the person or website you are thinking of buying from. While some websites or individuals may try to rip you off with a fake, others are not only honest, but bend over backwards to ensure you are getting the real deal. All of them authenticate or verify each piece, but some go as far as to double validate or use a third party to do it for them.
Some fakes these days are really good, but there are always at least a few key things to look for to ensure yours is real and not a fake. While most Chanel bags are made of genuine leather, not all are. In fact, there are some that are made of cloth, fur, and even PVC materials.
The easiest way to see if the bag you want to buy is real or not is to open it up and look inside. Chanel has a very famous CC logo, where the C letters interlock. That logo should be stamped inside and raised, so you can feel it by running your finger. The universal symbol for a trademark should be at the end.
While you have the bag open, look at the material lining the inside. It should be smooth and not wrinkled at all. If it is wrinkled, it is either damaged or a fake, as designers would never sell such a messy bag. The stitching should also be perfect, as the design house takes great pains to make sure there are no hanging threads or crooked stitching. The interior should look immaculate and like it is of the very highest quality.
Chanel and many other big name designer goods brands use colorways to help people spot a knockoff. Check to make sure the bag has a known colorway. The purse should also come with a holographic sticker with a number on it, though it is possible the sticker has been removed.
All bags from this brand come with a certificate of authenticity. It will have a serial number on it, and the holographic sticker on the purse will have the exact same number. You can also contact the company directly and ask if that is a valid serial number before you buy. If the seller has lost the certificate, you can still use the other tips to validate the authenticity yourself.
You can go online and find out all the types of leather that this brand has used over the years on their handbags. Cow leather, lambskin and many others are all possibilities. Make sure the purse you are thinking of buying is made form one of these known Chanel materials. You can also look up past releases from the brand, which are meticulously cataloged on the internet.
You should also look up the person or website you are thinking of buying from. While some websites or individuals may try to rip you off with a fake, others are not only honest, but bend over backwards to ensure you are getting the real deal. All of them authenticate or verify each piece, but some go as far as to double validate or use a third party to do it for them.
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Get a summary of the things to consider before buying designer handbags and view our authentic vintage Chanel handbag collection at now.
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