The Malingering Defraudment Of Poor African American Leadership

By Perry L Duff

Perry L Duff here. What can most people declare to be one of the greatest problems the ebony community deals with today? Is it abject poverty? Is it high Unemployment?

One of the biggest problems the black community continues to struggle with today is the malingering defraudment by pitiful black leadership. The black community has a long history of one defrauder after another manipulating the community.

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This is old news but one person I need to discuss is Quanell X. Quanell X is a wretched person definitely behind the poor, feeble black mind so susceptible that they'll listen to any person who lectures the sort of diatribe and oratory he speaks. And I have seen others like this take advantage of communities for most of my life.

And I've seen people like this malingering defrauder exploit the black community all my life. I've seen it years ago when professional boxers, like Muhammed Ali, and Mike Tyson came forth to expose the truth about the exploitation of boxers by Don King.

I've been witness to this malingering defraudment with the prosperity preachers Jimmy Swaggert, Zachery Tims, Bishop Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, as well as the "Preachers Of LA".

Quanell Ralph Evans is Qyanell X real name from Texas. His parents were in the Nation of Islam, and he was a drug dealer in southern Houston, where he was jailed in the eighties for those crimes committed.

He was thrown out of the Nation of Islam for inciting public violence. in my honest opinion, I think that this was probably the best thing that happened to him.

The NOI, under Farrakhan, has been preaching lies to the black community for years. Don't forget who's death Farrakhan is accountable for that he denies, which was Malcolm X! These defrauders were also a part of the murder attempt of Khalid Abdul Muhammad.

Nevertheless, the greatest reason why one should never follow people like this is because of their malingering practice of ongoing defraudment of the black community. In Houston, complaints originated from those who said they gave Quanell X cash but never got any help.

Sandra Laday, investigating her son's murder, gave Quanell X $600 but received no help from him at all. Texas resident Hilda Pete, gave Quanell X $9,000 to help get her son off murder charges.

Chuck Rosenthal's resignation was sought by Quanell X over an email scandal involving racist messages and a rally was started. Quanell was paid $20,000 in "consultation fees" to arrange these protests for publicity purposes.

As long as the African American community is too mentally weak to see through the malingering defraudment of Quannell X and others like him then they will always be exploited by people like him. Only the truth and true freedom will come when black people seek that truth from the Bible.

If they want the truth, the whole truth, and true freedom, then black people need to start reading the Bible, and putting their complete lives, trust, and faith, in God, the father, his son Jesus Christ, and the holy spirit. Keep putting your faith and trust in people like this, and they will keep letting you down by continuously taking advantage of you! It's as simple as that.

This is whats written in the Bible as having "itching ears".

2 Timothy 4:1-4

1.I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

2.Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

3.For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

4.And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables.

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